This past Thursday marked the end of a chapter for many BSC (BSU!) students who were approved for the Adrian Tinsley Project. For those who dont know, ATP gives out summer and semester grants ranging from 800-4500 dollars to students who wish to do undergraduate research. At the end of the research period, the students are required to present their findings at a research symposium. My partner in crime, Michael Galvez, (pictured with ATP chairman Steve Haefner) happened to be one of those students who was funded, and therefore presented. All of the presentations were executed very well, and all had quite a bit to report to their colleagues. There were interesting studies conducted on crime rates in Lowell, how Western media influences Arabian's body image satisfaction, how play therapy can be better suited to children in a clinical/home setting, several creative writing projects, and of course Mike's video presentation showing off his short films he/we made over the course of the roadtrip.
As I said before, all the presentations were great, and very informative. It was also nice to see some fellow classmates make appearances at the symposium, and it was great to have some good talks with my professor during the breaks.
With all that said, there was one presentation right before Mike's that was about the organization and difficulty of playing some saxophone solos for All-State bands. Im not 100% on what it was really about, as the presentation was interrupted by technical difficulties, and the presenter never got the chance to really delve into the subject as much as I wanted him to, but he still kept my interest. Maybe it was his awesome beard. Either way, he may or may not have been given 4500 bucks to look at sheet music. And grow a beard. That rules.
Love the pic! Hoping you can send some more my way???