Sunday, July 25, 2010


Its been a little while since the last time I was here, and actually I've been home from the roadtrip for about a week and a half now...I think. Anyways, as I'm sure you might have noticed, I've been slacking on the blogging front, and I haven't even given you the final progress update since I've been home. So without any further delay, here it is:

As you can tell, it was a hell of a trip. The last leg of it was pretty exhausting, though. Thats probably why I didnt update this as regularly. This past week or so I have been trying to catch my breath and say "hey" to everyone, providing people with tidbits about the trip. All I can say is that managing a web class and a roadtrip at the same time was NOT easy. Going from place to place and then doing whatever at each place was tiring enough, never mind thinking about and doing work for a class after an already full day. Anyways, I'm working on keeping on top of this as the class comes to a close, so look for more regular updates!


  1. That is one glorious circuit you have there, my friend. Congrats!!!

  2. Thanks! It shouldve been a *bit* longer, but what can you do? As you've said yourself, "stuff happens". All I can say now is, whats next? Europe?! Asia?! South America?! Getting PUMPED!
